What would we have done without streaming services?

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Back to all posts I am so grateful for streaming services like YourScreen, who bring these fabulous films to us and make lockdown more bearable!

What a difference a few weeks has made! The sun has made an appearance and it feels as though brighter days are just around the corner.

We are happy to say that YourScreen have launched their third season, which runs from the 1st of March until the 23rd of May. Let me tell you, there are some wonderful films to stream via their website; a true treat for the senses. Selfie and An Impossible Project have my interest and will make a few of the not-quite-winter-not-quite-spring evenings more bearable.
It's worth mentioning however that some of the films included in the season aren’t available for the whole 2 months, so make sure you don’t miss out on your pick.

As before, just head over to Yourscreen.net to browse the current season and don’t forget to use the code NO6YS at checkout for 25% off.

An Impossoble Project looks to be a fantastic documentary.

Modern Films are also presenting another 2 films for our viewing pleasure (as if we haven’t been spoilt enough). All you need to do is click on the links below and search for No6 in the ‘Watch Via Your Local Cinema section’.

Please note: Once you receive your viewing link, you'll have 48 hours to watch the film. For more info including how to stream a film, please check Modern Films FAQ’s here.

This looks as relevant now as ever, we are looking forward to this one.

White Riot

White Riot follows the Rock Against Racism movement of the 1970s, revealing both the nastiness of the rising National Front at the time and the amazing power of music, activism and a real desire for social change at a grassroots level. Click here to find out more and to watch

Away has no dialogue, I'm thinking similar to the wonderful Red Turtle? Lets see shall we...


Awayis about a boy travelling across an island on a motorcycle, trying to escape a dark spirit and get back home. Along the way he makes a series of connections with different animals and reflects on the possible ways he ended up on the island. Part dream, part reality, Away explores our common, universal need to find a connection. Click here to watch online

Here's to us all meeting in our lovely cinema soon!

Keep well and stay safe x

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