...Each film, created by a young artist or filmmaker under the age of 25, is between ninety seconds and three minutes long. I watched a lot of the shorts and I hope you’ll agree that I have chosen some of the more interesting new work for your delectation.
You could describe Thursday’s film as a Sex in the City style jab at patriarchy. In Between is set in Tel Aviv and follows the lives of three young Israeli-Palestian women fighting against the constraints of family and tradition.
This film will not be widely distributed elsewhere, so do join us at No6 to see the exactly the type of film we feel we’re here to show.
Are you ready to accept the challenge of watching Mother! on Friday night? If you’re game for an Aronofsky roller coaster of a film the bar will be open before the film so you can have a swift drink before embarking on what is sure to be a wild ride through a number of heightened emotions.
Starring the glorious Judi Dench and game old Gambon, Victoria and Abdul our Saturday night film is a story of joy and humanity. Book via our website to be sure of a ticket.