Different paths, shared future…

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Back to all posts An Afghan-born woman explores the progressive, but now lost ideas of Afghanistan’s last Queen in Finding Soraya on Wednesday 19th June at No6

Refugee Week takes place every year across the world in the week around World Refugee Day on 20th June. As part of a nationwide programme of arts, cultural and educational events that celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK, No6 is delighted to be teaming up with Journeys Festival International to screen Finding Soraya, a film that explores the lost ideas of Afghanistan’s last queen. Wed 18th June at 7.00pm. All tickets £5.00.

The remarkable story of how Pompey were saved, told by the people that loved them most.

This Wednesday is the second of our screenings of the film Our Club, the delightful story of how Pompey fans saved their club from ruin. Online tickets for this screening are sold out, there will be about 20 on the door for walk ups, available from 6.15pm. We are delighted to announce that we have scheduled in an extra screening on Weds 12th June.

Dumbo makes a comeback soaring to new heights.

Thursday is matinee day, Dumbowill be strutting his stuff for a flat rate, half- term- tastic £5.00 ticket price. Film starts at 4.15pm.

Celebrating the talent of third year Film Industries students from The University of Portsmouth.

Thursday evening is Student Screening Night. Students from the UoP Film Industries Dept will be showcasing their final year projects. No doubt it will be a lively evening. All tickets £3.00.

A comedy-drama about mothers and daughters, dreams and reality and three chords and the truth.

Friday night and a star is born…Wild Rose has stellar performances from Buckley, Walters and Okonedo.

To change the world, she betrayed her country.

Will this be Dame Judi’s last film???  She seems completely indefatigable, don’t miss her in Red Joan on Saturday night: a fascinating true life story.

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