As some of you may know our Chair John Holland passed away earlier this year. We lost him way too early and we miss him dearly. Normally No6 doesn't hold fundraisers, but on this occasion we feel its the right thing to do to break the rule and try to make some money for two charities that John was affected by; Rowans Hospice and Lymphoma Research Trust.
We will be screening Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom one of John’s favourite films. The film is quirky and beautiful and shows that everyone has their place in the community, John certainly had his place in our community and in many other projects in the city. The film will be the last in our programme before our summer break on Sat June 29th at 7.00pm. All tickets are £10 and will include a cup of tea and a slice of cake. All profits will be divided between the two charities.
Our Thursday film this week is the last in our Monstrous Feminine season. Clint Eastward’s directorial debut, Play Misty for Me, was a precursor to other erotic thrillers such as Fatal Attraction and Basic Instinct. Dr Esther Sonnet will be giving short talk about the film before the screening.
The four main characters in our Friday film The Sisters Brothers are all charismatic and you’ll never see such delight in the discovery of the benefits of a toothbrush.
Dumbo on Saturday night is an enjoyable Tim Burton remake of the old school Disney classic.